Lives of Impact
Building a Gifting Society, in Ways that Fulfill Us
To begin with our tools immediately, recognize regularly the gifts you're already given.Then, to get involved in deeper development:
Click here if you want to build communities via free association.
Announce it.
First, show your support for the basic gifting pledge.
Then read the "voluntary" pledge and, if you agree, sign it and read on.
Have time?
You can display the voluntary work of others with our app at The goal is to build genuinely strong groups built on relationships. Contact us to see more.
Someone is probably running an event that you enjoy; contact them and offer free assistance. This grows your capabilities and your resume -- and you can prove participation in our app in a way that is compliant with personal data standards.
See if any of our events look interesting, and then join us -- or contact us for help to run your own.
Have expertise in programming?
If you are interested in building organizations in a self-sovereign way, let's talk. We have an MVP, and we have plans for more general reach. Contact us below.
Have expertise in economics & finance?
Help organize and publish our important statistics, gifts and otherwise.
Help us research and publish about widespread, debt-free living, like results from Give Directly, Mr. Money Mustache, etc.
Have money?
If you've got it, money is easy to give, eh! Consider both short- and long-term, both local and global, so that you gain a balance of deep & close relationships alongside the benefits of wider but more shallow impact. We have open-source code to help build & track impact, so let's talk if that's an interest.
We expect to grow meaningful collaboration, and you can see examples of our events here. Contact us for real impact via experiences. Just realize we will always value the benefit to future generations over pure monetary payback.
... and see this message if you also want to provide life's basics freely.
Click here if you want to provide life's basics freely.
Announce it.
First, show your support for the basic gifting pledge.
Read the "pursue" pledge and, if you agree, sign it and read on.
Have time?
Volunteer at a local food bank; if none are near you then try tools like ShareBay and Olio. If you get recipients to log their appreciation for gifts in the Endorser app, there is even more visibility when they are paid forward.
Have expertise in programming?
We are building new features at ShareBay and you're welcome to join us.
Have money?
We are in contact with individuals who are willing to demonstrate a basic livelihood, starting with food. Let's talk if you'd like to help grow this kind of giving.
... and see this message if you also want to build communities via free association.

It starts with vision.
Picture a world of cooperation and loving-kindness... a place where we are able to achieve our highest potential. Seriously: close your eyes, pause for just 3 breaths, and imagine that world.
Now that you've seen it in your mind: do you believe we can get there?
If so, you're already working on it, so let's recognize and celebrate that! Everyone already gives what that can to their favorite people or causes. We honor every bit that is given freely. Whereas many people interact by carefully guarding their time and money with measurements and trade, let's give unconditionally to people in that future world.
The plan is straightforward.
First, keep that future in mind. We'll only get there if it's in our sights.
- That cannot be emphasized enough! It's easy to lose sight of our ideals as we deal with everyday needs and with the people immediately around us. Part of our work is focused on the focus, keeping our highest goals in our sights. You might call it a spiritual creation since it's only in our minds... today.
Now we invest our extra time and energy and money by giving them away, freely, until that dominates money.
- Life's grandest rewards come from gifts without conditions, and without any expectation of return. We emphasize those rewards... and we aim to replace today's today's scarcity mindsets with systems that encourage even more giving, starving out extractive institutions. Let's build a gifting economy.
We start now, wherever we are in life and in the world.
In terms of action:
Raise awareness of what is already being given: expand the "want" questions above to get started.
One goal is to supply someone's basic needs entirely with gifts, so if you're interested in the mechanics of that long-term project then reach out to us.
Find what will give you the most satisfaction: we suggest below some places to reach out even further if you are still looking for that project that excites you. (Plus, future app features will help advertise projects and interests.)
Is it even possible?
This isn't merely philosophy or fun ideas: communities have lived this way before, and simple bad social leadership has pushed us into a world where we live with high levels of indebtedness and uncertainty. We will refocus. We will practice this wherever we live, whether in the most cooperative community or in the staunchest totalitarian or capitalist societies... in any situation, we will increase joy in the world and invest in our future. Hearts are the only way to change the world permanently; no outside-in or system-oriented approach can.
There is a future where we humans live such that our struggles are for achievement, self-mastery, and love... there are no more fear-based reactions, there is no more violence, even in the face of natural catastrophes. This is one ingredient to attaining that future. This is an essential part of any religious or political or economic approach that leads to a fulfilling life and enlightened society. And it works well with all the other great initiatives pushing along this path.
What are the gifts you're offering?
Let's celebrate & expand them!
Voluntary Giving & Governance
What would you like help with, or how can you help in other projects? Let's get better at coordination: advertise anything you want done, or pledge help to others. Propose any conditions for your help... maybe it's only worthwhile if half-a-dozen more people join or if someone commits to a certain amount of time. Kids are especially good at getting participation, and we can encourage even more growth when they learn to better communicate and solicit help with their interests. Use Time Safari to share projects using common data schemas.
We're also creating project visualizations.
Basic Sustenance
In Utah, the Terraculture Project demonstrates healthy ways of living with minimal effort, as naturally as possible. We have started construction and there are many ways to help. It is affiliated with The Bridge non-profit, where we will start experiments with local food production.
We also work with ShareBay to build a giving society.